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Breaking News: 15MOF Presenters

By 15MOF, mesh08 news

One of the things we try to do at mesh is put the spotlight on startups that are developing new and interesting services.

We do this through 15 Minutes of Fame, which sees each three companies on each day of mesh five minutes each on stage to talk about what their companies do and their strategy to become successful.

This year, we received a record number of 15MOF applicants, which made the selection process challenging. Without further ado, here are the 15MOF presenters:

May 21

Carbonetworks, which has developed software that helps companies create effective carbon emissions strategies to reduce costs and capitalize on emerging global markets.

GigPark, a place to receive recommendations about a wide variety of services from friends and their friends.

AidesRSS, which has created technology to make reading RSS feeds more effective and valuable.

May 22, an online health and beauty store that ships across Canada.

OverlayTV, an interactive media company that provides a video commerce platform that lets Internet users, content owners and e-commerce sites to monetize and customize their video assets.

Enomalism, an open source consulting firm that focuses on solving the cost and complexity for enterprises that run large technical server infrastructures.

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Last Call for 15MOF!

By 15MOF, mesh news

With about a month to go before mesh, we’ve got a few last details to nail down.

One of them is selecting the six companies/entrepeneurs for 15 Minutes of Fame, who will each get the opportunity to give a five-minute presentation in front of more than 400 people.

So, here’s one last call for 15MOF submissions. Get ’em in by the end of the week by filling out a short online application.

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It’s time again for 15 minutes of fame

By 15MOF, mesh news, mesh08 news

Now that mesh tickets are on sale, we’d like to get an early start on 15 Minutes of Fame, the mesh session that introduces you to web entrepreneurs and their startups. On each of the two conference days we do a 15 minute segment with three deserving entrepreneurs and/or their startups, who get five minutes each (hence the 15 minutes) to talk to the attendees about their idea and why they are the best thing to happen to the Web. Last year’s winners were Octopz, DemoFuse, FiveLimes, Conceptshare, SneakerPlay and Wild Apricot – there’s video, too.

Head over to the sign-up form and make your pitch — in 250 words or less — about you and your company or idea, and tell us why we should give you five minutes in front of the mesh crowd. If you get selected, you get a free one-day pass to the conference as well as those five minutes of glory. Of course, past winners aren’t eligible, and you must be this big to apply.