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mesh conference

mesh is Canada's digital transformation and innovation event taking place in Calgary and Toronto each year.

meshwest Panel Spotlight: Preparing for Social Media Success

By meshwest

Far too often, companies enthusiastically jump into social media without a good idea of why they want to do it, what they want to get out of it and, as important, how it fits into their communications, marketing and sales strategies.

Without creating a well-defined plan for social media, it can be challenging to develop a foundation for success – however you want to define success.

At meshwest, our “Building Social Meaning to Support Success” panel addresses the important questions of what needs to be done other than establishing a social media presence. This panel gets beyond the early lessons of social media and into how to develop social meaning from the inside out.

“This isn’t about keeping up with the Joneses but realistically challenging ourselves and our marketing teams on how to create sustainable competitive advantage through building connected brands and organizations” is how marketing and innovation strategist Leigh Himel describes the panel’s focus.

The panel also includes:

– Greg Hounslow, the Emerging Media Advisor for WestJet, who manages the company’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube communities, as well as being involved in the airlines’ short- and long-term strategies for social media.

– Sarah Dickinson, SVP, Strategy with Blast Radius, a strategic digital agency based in Vancouver, who has played a key role in helping Starbucks establish its strong and vibrant social media presence.

meshwest Panel Spotlight: Canada’s Startup Landscape: Alive and Well?

By mesh news, meshwest

One of the most remarkable changes in the startup landscape in the last few years has been a dramatic shift in the way early stage web technology is started and funded. As the costs of developing – and then building early customer adoption of – web technology have plummeted, a new generation of entrepreneurs has emerged, and with them, new forms of seed finance.

Paul Graham’s Y Combinator, Boulder Colorado’s Techstars, Fred Wilson of Union Ventures – these are some of the early examples of these new models of startup creation and seed finance to emerge in the US. But the same thing is happening north of the 49th, and new startup ecosystems are emerging and thriving across Canada.

These are heady and dynamic times, and there’s much to stay abreast of. Join us for a conversation on Canada’s startup landscape with Mark MacLeod, a General Partner with Montreal’s Real Ventures, Canada’s largest seed venture fund, and BCIC’s Danny Robinson, co-founder of Vancouver’s Bootup Labs.

Tickets for meshwest can be purchased here. The early-bird special of $239 ends today (May 30) at midnight. After that, tickets are $279.

Thanks to all who came and meshed!

By mesh news, mesh11

So after months of planning, mesh11 is now in our rear-view mirror — but before we move on to new things (like meshwest in Calgary on June 8), we wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who was a part of this year’s event, from our fantastic speakers and sponsors to the “people formerly known as the audience,” without whom we would not be able to do any of this. Your passion and interaction is crucial to the success of mesh and you proved that again this year.

With every mesh event we try to create a space that you can make your own, one that will help you connect, share and inspire — and be inspired. Based on the feedback we’ve had so far about the Allstream Centre and the Sponsor Village, we think we managed to do that this year. To all of the sponsors who stepped forward to support us and give us the means to put on this event, you have been truly outstanding. And to the 30+ volunteers who offered a hand (or two) and then some, we could not have done any of this without you either — thanks so much for your help.

We spend A LOT of time thinking about the content that we present, and selecting those who will offer their insights and expertise, and we think the range of speakers we had this year was second to none in terms of knowledge and expertise. But this is also a conversation, and a critical part of that equation is you — the participant. At #mesh11, you inspired us with your insights, your energy and your commitment to mesh, and we got so much from each and every one of you.

So to our speakers, our sponsors, our volunteers and our attendees: thank you so much for all you have done for (and with) us. This was more than just a conference — it was an experience. Now on to meshwest in Calgary!

(for more photos of mesh11, see the Flickr stream)