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meshmarketing Q&A: Peep Laja

By September 3, 2013meshmarketing

peepFor all the talk about inbound marketing, social media and content marketing, a company’s digital success hinges on how well its Website performs. Whether it’s product sales, downloads, Webinar signups or registration, the biggest challenge is converting visitors into customers or users.

Given the importance of Website conversion, we’re excited to have ConversionXL’s Peep Laja, one of the leading digital optimization experts.

Peep, who writes a top-notch blog, will deliver a meshmarketing keynote presentation on Nov. 7 that will give you valuable the insight and information to turn your Website into a conversion engine.

To get a small taste of Peep’s presentation, here’s a mini-Q&A:

1. Content marketing is the belle of the ball while social media is rumbling along. Do you think brands are not spending enough time on driving conversions to leverage their content and social efforts?

That’s absolutely true. When I usually analyze landing pages for different Websites – and look where social media or search traffic lands, those pages are pretty bad at conversion. Poor attempts at email capture, no value proposition, no dedicated landing pages for social media, or asking for the sale too soon. Blog posts can do a lot for email capture. Companies should carefully see where their inbound traffic is landing on, and how well those pages are performing.

2. What are your thoughts on inbound marketing, which seems to be getting more and more traction?

Inbound marketing can be extremely effective if done well (and it depends on the business as well). Barrier of entry is low which is why there’s so much crap content out there and people saying ‘it’s not worth it’, but there are few that do it well. If you take it seriously and put effort in it (do it well and consistently over a long period of time), it is highly effective

3. What are some of the keys to boost Website conversion rates? (A loaded question, no doubt!)

Conversion optimization is a process, not a one-time checklist. What needs to be done is specific to each case, and you have to be data-driven: analyze what’s going on, how users are using the site and so on. Three common things that help most sites are:

1. State a compelling, unique value proposition on all key landing pages, including your home page. If I’m your ideal customer, why should I buy from you?

2. Aim to be clear about what you sell and what they get out of it. Avoid jargon and buzzwords. Clarity beats all other tactics.

3. Offer proof that your stuff works – independent studies, third-party reviews, testimonials etc.

4. Any new or favourite digital services in your toolbox these days?

I’m not sure about new, but three type of services every company should use (I do for each client):

▪ Mouse tracking services like SessionCam and Clicktale

▪ Testing software like Visual Website Optimize, Optimizelt and

▪ Remote usability testing service like and OpenHallway

Tickets for meshmarketing are $199, which is a sweet deal for a great day of content and networking.

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Author mesh conference

mesh is Canada's digital transformation and innovation event taking place in Calgary and Toronto each year.

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